MIST Applications

Department of Environmental, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (EWCE)

Lt Col Mohammad Shafiul Azam, PhD, Engrs

Associate Professor and Program Coordinator, Department of Environmental, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering (EWCE)


Room: 807, 8th Floor, General Mustafiz Tower, MIST.

Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.


ACADEMIC EXPERIENCE [add only graduation and above]

  • B.Sc. in Civil Engineering (4 Years)

Khulna University of Engineering and Technology (KUET), Date of Graduation: December 1998

  • MSc in Civil Engineering (2 Years)

Gunma University, Japan, Date of Completion: March 2005

  • D. Engg in Environmental Engineering

Ritsumeikan University, Japan, Date of Completion: March 2009



Research Domain: Water Quality analysis and treatment, Waste water analysis and treatment, Soil Contamination, Air Pollution etc.

  1. Azam M.S., Shafiquzzaman M., and Nakjima, J., “Characterization of Arsenic Leaching in Paddy Field Soil”, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), Vol.40 (2), 139-147 (2012).
  2. Azam M.S., Shafiquzzaman M., and Nakjima, J., “Effect of Calcium and Magnesium addition on arsenic leaching from paddy field soil of Bangladesh”, Journal of Water and Environment Technology, Vol.8 (4), 329-338 (2010).
  3. Azam M.S., Shafiquzzaman M., Mishima, I and Nakjima, J., “Arsenic Release from Contaminated Soil in Natural Field Conditions”, Journal of Scientific Research Vol.1 (2), 258-269 (2009).
  4. Azam M.S., Shafiquzzaman M., Mishima, I and Nakjima, J., “Measurement of Soluble Arsenic in Soil of Bangladesh by Acid-alkali Sequential Extraction”, Journal of Scientific Research Vol.1 (1), 92-107 (2009).
  5. Shafiquzzaman M., Azam M.S., Mishima, I and Nakjima, J., “Technical and Social Evaluation of Arsenic Mitigation Technology in Bangladesh”, Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition Vol. 27(5), 674-683 (2009).
  6. Shafiquzzaman M., Azam M.S., Jun Nakajima, Quazi Hamidul Bari, “Arsenic Leaching Characteristics of the Sludges from Iron Based Removal Process”, Desalination 261, 41-45 (2010).
  7. Shafiquzzaman M., Azam M.S., Jun Nakajima, Quazi Hamidul Bari, “Investigation of Arsenic Removal Performance by a Simple Iron Removal Ceramic Filter in Rural Households of Bangladesh”, Desalination 265, 60-66 (2011).





Fluid Mechanics

Irrigation Engineering and Hydrology

Open Channel Hydraulics

Environmental Engineering I and II

Geology and Geomorphology

Geotechnical Engineering

Engineering Materials

Numerical Methods


Engineering Drawing

Fluid Mechanics Sessional

Open Channel Hydraulics Sessional

Solid Mechanics and Materials Sessional

Details of Construction Sessional

Environmental Engineering Sessional



  • FACULTY MEMBER, Department of EWCE Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST), Mirpur Cantonment, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh.
    Duration: January, 2020 – Present.
  • FACULTY MEMBER, Department of CE, Bangladesh Military Academy, Bhatiary, Chattogram, Bangladesh.

Duration: October, 2014- December 2019.

  • FACULTY MEMBER, Department of CE, UITS, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Duration: May, 2013- October, 2014.

  • FACULTY MEMBER, Department of CE, IUBAT, Uttara, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Duration: August, 2010- May, 2013.